Preventing malware in order to stop infecting our electronic machines which has the internet facility

Published: April 7, 2021, 12:52 p.m.


hello everyone my name is vijay kumar Devireddy and i am glad to have you back on my episode 12 today I am going to give you a couple of tips on how to prevent malware from infecting your system.This includes malware like viruses, worms, Trojans,ransomware, spyware, rootkits, and spam.Let's talk about viruses first, viruses are most commonly detected using a good antivirus software.These can be either third-party solutions like Norton or McAfee, or using the included Windows Defender from your operating system.In addition to antivirus software,you'll also want to make sure that you're continually doing your service packs and updates for your operating system.Most viruses are going to infect you by taking advantage of some known exploit, and if it's a known exploit,your operating system vendor, like Microsoft,is probably going to already have a patch ready for you.If you don't patch your system,or update it and use those service packs,you're basically asking yourself to get infected.In addition to having a good antivirus software that's continually being updated,you also want to have a good host-based firewall that will help prevent outside people from connecting to your machine.Additionally, whenever you're surfing the internet,websites, this will ensure that there's no man-in-the-middle connection between you and the destination that you're trying to get data from.When we talk about worms, Trojans,and ransomware, much like viruses,these are best detected using anti-malware solutions.Now, ransomware is usually going to be detected,not in its fully ransomware form, but instead,through its delivery mechanism,which is most commonly a Trojan horse.Remember, it's always important to ensure that your anti-malware solution is current and up-to-date,both for its definitions and for its scanning engine.Spyware is software that's installed on your machine that snoops on you.It collects data and sends it back to its owners.Well, if you want to stop spyware,you need a good anti-spyware product.There are third-party ones available out there,but again, Windows Defender has this capability built in.Just like anti-malware solutions, you need to ensure that your definitions are up-to-date so it can scan and detect most types of spyware out there.Also, when you're browsing the internet,you want to make sure that your web browser's security settings are set to a non-trusted method,meaning that you have a very low level of trust for the sites on the internet.This will ensure that you don't accept cookies,that you don't allow pop-ups and other things that may get you more spyware installed onto your system.Now, how do you know if you've been infected with spyware?Well, there's a couple of common giveaways.The first one is if you see a lot of pop-up ads.If you're getting a lot of advertisements based on traffic that you've done in the past,someone is looking at your information somehow.That could be through spyware,it could be through cookies,or it could be through database retention settings on their side of the server.Additionally, another dead giveaway that you've gotten some adware or some spyware installed on your machine is when you go to your home page of your browser and it's no longer your home page.For example, if whenever you open up your web browseryou default to, and now,when you open up your web browser,you're seeing some other page,that means somebody has adjusted your web browser settings,and that could be a sign that you've been infected with some kind of spyware.Next, let's talk about rootkits.Rootkits are a type of malware that installs itself and tries to bypass the operating system functions,and it acts as a go-between between the operating system and the kernel.
