POP UP's how Dangerous they are .......

Published: April 15, 2021, 12:08 p.m.


hello everyone my name is vijay kumar Devireddy and i am glad to have you back on my episode 15 today we are discussing about If you're like most people,at some point during your internet surfing,you've come across and window that has a pop-up jump up in front of your browser.Usually, this is something trying to grab your attention like an ad or something else that they want you to click on.Now, while this is annoying,it can also be dangerous to your machine.And we're going to talk about that in this lesson.First, let me mention that you can block a lot of these pop-ups.For example, in Google Chrome,if you go under Settings,there's a pop-up and redirect blocker that you can enable.While most web-browsers have started having the ability to block JavaScript created pop-ups,advertisers are constantly finding new ways of creating pop-ups using Flash and other technologies.Also, if you block pop-up windows,you may run into a problem because some legitimate websites need it as a way for their website to function.For example, I used to teach at a University that their payroll system used these pop-ups and they had to be enabled.If you didn't have them enabled,you couldn't see you paycheck stub.And that way, you couldn't see how much you were earning.So, while you had to enable pop-ups for certain websites,you probably shouldn't enable it for all websites.Now, another concern with these pop-up ads is that a lot of times, they're being done through ad distribution networks.And these are based on a pay per click model.Malicious attackers can purchase pay per click advertisements through these networks as well.And sometimes, they can embed either a link to their website or a link to malicious code.This can be a really big problem for us.And so, a lot of people have gone through and started blocking the ads completely.You can do this using something like Adblock.Adblock will go through the code as it's being delivered from the website server and go into your web browser and remove all of the advertisements.Unfortunately, there's a problem with using Adblock too.And that's that some websites you want to go to may not serve up content if you're blocking advertisements.A lot of websites are working under a free model and their advertiser supported.So, if you're blocking the ads,they're not making any money giving you content.And so a lot of them have coded it so they won't deliver the content you're looking for unless you turn off your Adblocker.Another thing you can do is use a content filter.Now, content filters will block external file types like JavaScript, images, or even web pages from loading in a browser.You might be familiar with content filters from your work environment.If you go to school or you go to work,they usually have content filters on their network.This prevents you from accessing certain types of websites that they deem inappropriate.This might be things like gambling or pornography or other types of websites that they feel are inappropriate or a waste of time in the workplace.These all get blocked by a content filter.So, in summary, there's a lot of issues when you start dealing with advertisements and pop-ups.Unfortunately, there's no single solution to this problem because if you block the ads or you block the pop-ups,you may not be able to use the function of the website you're desiring.The best defense against unscrupulous advertisers though,is to also ensure your browser and its extensions are updated regularly.This will be the best protection for you.You should then also disable pop-ups when possible and specifically allow only the sites you need and if it doesn't affect your web browsing ability,you might want to disable your advertisements as well using an Adblocker and thankyou...
