New Trend In IT Industry - Cloud Computing

Published: Aug. 24, 2021, 5:11 a.m.


Hello everyone my name is vijay kumar Devireddy and i am glad to have you back on my episode 63 today we're going to discuss about Cloud Computing.These days,could computing seems to be the big trend within our industry.But what exactly is cloud computing? Well, cloud computing is defined as a way of offering on-demand services that extend the traditional capabilities of a computer or a network,out into the Internet.With the promise of increased availability,higher resiliency,and unlimited elasticity, the cloud definitely can provide our organizations a lot of advantages over our traditional network architectures. But, cloud computing can also bring a number of unique security challenges into our environments, too.For cloud computing to gain its intended cost savings and efficiencies, though,it relies heavily on the concept of virtualization.By using virtualization,numerous logical servers can be placed on a single physical server.This, in turn,can help us reduce the amount of physical space,power, and cooling,that's needed inside your data center.Additionally, by using virtualization,we can achieve higher levels of availability by spinning up additional virtual servers when necessary.This ability to dynamically provision memory and CPU resources, is one of the key benefits to cloud computing.While there are a lot of benefits to cloud computing,such as decreased cost,increased scalability,and unlimited elasticity,there are also numerous security issues that we have to consider.Most of the same security issues that we have with physical servers also get carried over into the cloud computing environment, too.Often times,I hear executives think that all of their problems will be solved by moving to the cloud.This is simply not the case.To gain these efficiencies,cloud providers rely on virtualization to allow multiple logical serversto be placed on that single physical server,as we said before.Many cloud service providers, though,have taken virtualization a step further with the concept of hyper-converged infrastructure.This allows providers to fully integrate the storage,network, and servers,without having to perform hardware changes.Instead,they rely on a software and virtualization technology to perform all of the needed integrations. All of this can be managed from a single interface or a device,without any worry about the underlying vendor solutions.Many cloud providers are also offering Virtual Desktop Infrastructure as one of their services.VDI allows a cloud provider to offer a full desktop operating system to an end user from a centralized server.There are a lot of security benefits to this approach.For example,one organization that I worked with creates a new virtual desktop image for each user,every time they log on in the morning.This desktop is non-persistent. So even if it's exploited by an attacker,it is destroyed as soon as the user logs off at the end of the day,or at midnight each night.This effectively destroys the attacker's ability to remain persistent on the end user's desktop,and adds a lot of security for us.Now, when we look at these numerous logical servers being stored on a single physical server,we also have to consider that there has to be a way to keep the data confidential and separated from the other logical servers, too.To do this,we use Secure Enclaves and Secure Volumes.Secure Enclaves utilize two distinct areas that the data may be stored and accessed from Each enclave can be accessed by the proper processor.This is a technique that's used by Microsoft Azure and many other cloud service providers.Secure volumes, on the other hand,are a method of keeping data at rest,secure from prying eyes.
