Intro to the Application Security....

Published: May 21, 2021, 2:09 a.m.


hello everyone my name is vijay kumar Devireddy and i am glad to have you back on my episode 38 today we are discussing about Welcome to application security.In this section of the course,we are going to move up into the software realm and start looking at the different applications that are used on our desktop devices.These applications bring to us a world of functionality,whether that's browsing the internet,conducting productivity by creating Word documents and spreadsheets, or by doing a host of other things.But each piece of software does introduce additional vulnerabilities to our system,and we're going to talk about that throughout this section.First, we'll spend some time talking about web browsers.When we talk about web browsers, this is really important,because web browsers are a conduit to the internet.That gives us a lot of capability,but it also brings a lot of vulnerability and all of those dangers from the internet,such as malicious websites, web apps, and more.As we go through this section, we're going to cover the various different types of web browsers that are used,how we can best secure them, and any other concerns that we should be thinking about as we're dealing with web browsers.Then we're going to get into the productivity space,and we're going to talk about the world's most popular productivity applications, specifically the Microsoft Office suite of tools.This includes things like word processing with Microsoft Word, spreadsheets with Microsoft Excel,and presentations using things like Microsoft PowerPoint.But we won't stop there.We'll move into the other category, which is going to cover all of the other applications out there.Now, obviously, we're not going to be able to cover each application in depth, but instead, we're going to talk about the best way to set up the right permissions and the right way to conduct application white  listing and black listing to ensure that your computer is safe from the different types of software that you may wish to install.So let's get started with application security.
