How You are going to secure your Mobile Devices from App that was not developed by you ?

Published: May 1, 2021, 4:19 a.m.


hello everyone my name is vijay kumar Devireddy and i am glad to have you back on my episode 25 today we are discussing about Security of Apps.How do you know the app you want to install is secure?How do you know it's not going to be spying on you?How do you know there's no malware embedded in it?Well, you don't.But the best way to ensure that you don't get those type of things is by installing applications from the official mobile stores only.If you're using an Android device,that's the Google Play store.If you're using an Iphone,that's going to be the App Store.Now, some people have taken their phones and done what's called jail breaking it or rooting it.On an Apple device,jail breaking it means you're going to remove the security protections that Apple has put in place so that you can take it from your wireless carrier to a different wireless carrier or install third party apps outside of the App Store.As you can probably guess,these are both bad security practices and should not be done.Now, we you have an Android device we don't call jail breaking it,we call it rooting it.The reason is because Android is at heart a Linux operating system.So if you root the device,you now have administrative permissions over it.And you can install whatever applications you want and make the phone do things that it wasn't necessarily designed to do.Again, making sure that you don't jail break or root your device is a good first step to ensuring you have a secure device.Next, you want to think about what browser and what applications you're actually running.For example, if you're using the Chrome browser,that's a fairly secure web browser.But if you decide to get a third party web browser,you don't know who it is that put that out there and if you can trust them.Maybe they're giving you this web browser but they're also taking a copy of all your data going through it.To avoid those type of issues,always get official applications when possible.And speaking of web browsers,one of the things you want to ensure is whenever browsing the web on your mobile device,you're always going to the secure version of a website.That's denoted by the https at the front of the web address.This ensures that you have a TLS tunnel created between your phone and the server.What's TLS?Well, it's Transport Layer Security.It's going to put a encryption layer and a tunnel between your device and the server to ensure you have confidentiality and nobody is conducting a man in the middle attack from you.Now as businesses, we are increasingly going mobile all of the time.An Enterprise Mobility has a couple of things that we need to think about when we talk about securing our apps as well.One of those, is making sure we have control over those devices and what apps are installed.If your organization is going to be providing the cellphone to its employees,you have the right to install mobile device management software. MDM or Mobile Device Management is a centralized software solution that allows your system administrators to create and enforce policies across all of the mobile devices.This can ensure that people don't install games like Angry Birds or they don't put a third party apps or that they could only go to certain websites.
