How Transitive concept is used in Internet Attacks ?

Published: Dec. 12, 2021, 11:28 a.m.


Hello everyone my name is vijay kumar Devireddy and I am glad to have you back on my episode 77 today we're going to discuss about Transitive attacks.Transitive attacks aren't really an actual type of attack but more of a conceptual method.It gets its name from the Transitive Property we learned back in mathematics.Essentially, the Transitive Property says that if A equals B and B equals C,then by all logic, A also equals C.Now, when it comes to Security ,and they talk about the idea of a transitive attack,they're really focusing on the idea of trust.If one network trusts a second network and that second network trusts a third network, then that first network really trusts the third network, and so, if an attacker can get into any one of those three networks,he can then get into the other two as well.This is based on that transitive trust.This is really important in the world of security because whoever you trust,you're also trusting everyone else that they've ever trusted. Whenever you connect your network to somebody else's network using a trust relationship, you're inherently assuming all of the risk of their security posture or the lack of their security posture in addition to your own security posture.Now, often in large enterprise networks, we reuse trust relationships between different domain controllers because this helps us minimize the amount of times that someone has to authenticate over and over for a resource,but, remember, whenever you sacrifice security in order to afford yourself better or quicker operations,there is a risk associated with it.So if your organization wishes to maintain a strong security posture,your systems should not assume trust but instead, should question and re-question every device and network that it wishes to connect to.


