How To Secure Mobile devices from mobile malware out there....

Published: April 27, 2021, 4:43 a.m.


hello everyone my name is vijay kumar Devireddy and i am glad to have you back on my episode 21 today we are discussing about These days we work all over the place.We're not just stuck in our cubicles behind a computer.Instead we can be working no matter where we are.When I'm sitting in the line at the grocery store,I can be checking my email and answering student questions.If I'm sitting on an airplane,I can be texting to my friend while I'm at 35,000 feet. Mobile devices are great and they give us a lot of capability and a lot of connectivity but we also store a lot of personal information in these.We do our banking, our email,our pictures, even our online shopping,all from the palm of our hand and while that's all wonderful and it's great,we have to consider the fact that there is mobile malware out there.These devices are not immune to it and so, how are we going to protect ourself against these mobile variants?Well, the first thing we want to do is ensure that we have an antivirus solution on our devices.There are third-party products out there for both iPhones and Android devices that will allow you to have an anti-malware or antivirus solution on your phone.It will scan any attachments you have that are in your email,as well as check the device to ensure it's running properly.In addition to that, one of the biggest things you can do is always ensure your mobile device is patched and updated.That's right, just like your operating system on your computer, you need to ensure your phone is patched and updated.So, if you're one of those people that always hits Remind Me Later, don't do that because what happens is if there is a patch out there,that means that attackers have already been able to reverse engineer it and they know what the vulnerability is.If there's a patch, there's also an exploit,so always patch your devices and ensure your applications are updated.Now, if you're talking about your operating system,how do you update an operating system on your phone?Well, if you're using an iPhone,it's fairly easy.Apple will actually push a notification to you and say the latest version of iOS is out,click here to update or it'll ask if you want to do it in the middle of the night because that way,it doesn't take away valuable time that you're using it.Either way, you want to make sure you're updating your device so that you always have the latest operating system.Now, when we talk about Android,it's a little bit more complicated. Google puts out the base operating system and when there's a vulnerability found,they create the patches for it and then they pass it out to the different manufacturers.The problem is most people aren't running a Google-based Android device.Instead you may have a Samsung device or a Huawei device or an HTC.And each of these manufacturers has taken that base code and modified it in some way.So, usually you have to get your operating system update from your manufacturer, so if Google founds out there's a bug today and they release a patch tomorrow,it could be two, three, four months before Motorola or HTC pushes that patch out to your Android device. For this reason, Apple is a little bit more secure if you keep it updated because they do have a quicker patch and release cycle since they only have to support their own handsetsand not a bunch of other manufacturers.When we look at that, we also to consider our applications. ThankYou....
