How to identify the symptoms of malware on our electronic system

Published: April 5, 2021, 4:45 p.m.


hello everyone my name is vijay kumar Devireddy and i am glad to have you back on my episode 10 today we are going to discuss about Symptoms of Infection.How do you know your computer has been infected with malware? Well, the most common thing is to notice that it starts beginning to act strange. That could be a myriad of different things, though. For example, your computer might start running slower than normal.Why might this occur? Well, if you have a worm for example, it's using up processor resources and network resources to spread itself throughout the system and throughout the network. If you happen to be getting spam, that again is something that's going to tax your system. Lots of different malware will start making your computer act slower than normal. And this is one of the indications that you have a problem. Another symptom of infection is that your computer starts locking up or stops responding to you frequently. Maybe you're seeing more 'blue screens of death' than you've ever seen before. Well, this again is something that is a common symptom of malware. If a virus goes in and overwrites a critical system file by mistake, that can cause the computer to crash or lock up. This brings us to our third thing. If your computer restarts or crashes a lot, this again is another symptom that you may have a malware infection. Next, if your hard drive, files or applications aren't accessible anymore, this could be a symptom of a malware infection. Because if a virus or piece of malware takes over a file, it's going to change its permissions. And by doing that, it can remove your permissions that allow you to run it or delete it or change it. This is one of the ways that the malware will keep persistence in your system. Another symptom of malware is if your computer starts to make strange noises, or you start to see unusual error messages, or your computer, the display starts looking strange, or when you print something, it looks like gibberish or gobbledygook, and it uses symbols instead of normal letters. All of these things can happen when you get a virus or you get malware, depending on the way the virus or malware starts infecting your system. Another sign that you might have an infection is if you start to see new icons appear on your desktop or conversely, icons from your desktop start to disappear. Again, as any additional programs are added, new icons might show up, and if you start deleting programs, that can remove those as well. Another way that malware tries to hide itself when it's in your system is by using double file extensions. This is because in Windows, by default, if there's a know file extension, such as .exe for executable, or .txt for text files, that part won't be shown on the icon's name. So if you have something that says textfile.txt on your desktop, it could have a hidden .exe at the end of it. And when you double-click that file that looks like a text file, it's actually going to run this executable file. And that can actually embed malware into your system even further. Another symptom that you may have had something bad happen is if you try to run your antivirus software but it just won't run. A lot of malware is programmed to attack your antivirus software, and that way it can prevent it from running and maintain persistence longer. The reason for this is that malware doesn't want to be taken out of your system. And if you're able to run your antivirus you might be able to clean up the malware. But if they can attack your antivirus and keep it from running, that means that they can stay on your computer for longer and dig in deeper. Yet another symptom is when your files or folders are corrupted, or you may see new files and folders that have been created. Again, as a piece of malware goes and infects your files this corruption can make them be deleted, or it'll create new files for it to hide in.
