How Spoofing can be done or what is it ?

Published: Dec. 8, 2021, 11:57 a.m.


Hello everyone my name is vijay kumar Devireddy and I am glad to have you back on my episode 74 today we're going to discuss about Spoofing, spoofing is a category of network attacks that occur when an attacker masquerades as another person by falsifying their identity.Just like a person uses a mask to cover up their face to hide their true identity,spoofing is the electronic equivalent.We have briefly discussed spoofing a few times already,such as in the case of the DNS amplification attack when attempting a distributed denial of service by spoofing the IP address of the victim's server when making that request.Or we've talked about it before when we talked about fishing,where an attacker is trying to get you to click on a link in an email by falsifying their identity to trick you into clicking that link thinking that it's trusted.Anything that identifies a user or system can be spoofed, though.For example, each network interface card has a unique MAC address that's assigned to it,but MAC spoofing allows the attacker to change their MAC address to pretend that they're using a different device.IP addresses are also commonly used to identify a system, but with IP spoofing, the attacker can use somebody else's IP address as part of their attacks.So, how do we prevent spoofing from being effectively used against our systems?Well, the best way is to proper authentication,preferably multi-factor.Now when you use proper authentication,you're going to be able to identify a system or user more accurately and prevent the spoofing.If you can do this,you're going to be able to detect and stop spoofing quite easily.


