How Attacker's get into your devices over bluetooth.....

Published: April 29, 2021, 2:29 a.m.


hello everyone my name is vijay kumar Devireddy and i am glad to have you back on my episode 23 today we are discussing about Bluetooth attacks.In this lesson, I want to talk about wireless connectivity and some of the attacks that go against it,specifically we're not going to focus on the 3G, 4G or LTE cell phone part of it,we're going to focus on Bluetooth.Now, when we talk about Bluetooth,there are two terms that you have to know for the exam.Bluejacking and bluesnarfing.Bluejacking is sending unsolicited messages to Bluetooth-enabled devices.This often happens by having somebody who will pair to your device and then send the data to you,so if your car isn't paired up with your cell phone,somebody who's sitting next to you in the parking lot,can pair to your car and send messages to you or if your phone is in discoverable mode,they can go and connect to your phone and send you messages that way.Now when we talk about bluesnarfing, on the other hand,this is unauthorized access of information from a wireless device over a Bluetooth connection.Did you notice the key distinction here?When we talked about bluejacking,we're talking about sending information to a device but when we talk about bluesnarfing,we're taking information from a device.That's the main difference here.Now, one of the ways that you have to worry about this is you have to consider what the Bluetooth-pairing key is.Most devices come with a default of 0000 or 1234.If your devices are set up to use a default key,you are asking for an attack.You're going to become a victim of either bluesnarfing or bluejacking, so make sure you're not using the default pairing key.The other thing is if you're not using Bluetooth,you can go ahead and turn it off on your phone.A lot of us don't use Bluetooth.Instead we use wired headphones,we use a USB cable that connects our phone to our car stereo and if you're no using Bluetooth,it's better to turn it off.If you are using Bluetooth,at least turn it so it's not in discoverable mode.By turning off the discovery feature,it's not there sitting and waiting to accept connections from any devices that come in the area.Instead it will only remain connected to the ones you've already paired.Taking these actions will help secure your mobile device and prevent bluejacking and bluesnarfing. And Thankyou bye bye.....
