Group Policy An Administrative control....

Published: May 14, 2021, 5:20 a.m.


hello everyone my name is vijay kumar Devireddy and i am glad to have you back on my episode 32 today we are discussing about Group Policies.A Group Policy is a set of rules or policies that can be applied to a set of users or computer accounts within an operating system.Now, to Access the Group Policy Editor simply go to the run prompt and enter gpedit.The Local Group Policy editor will then launch and this is used to create and manage policies within a Windows environment.Each policy acts as a security template that can apply a set of rules to different users.These rules can contain things like Password complexity requirements, Account lockout policies,Software restrictions, and Application restrictions.If you're using an Active Directory domain controller in a Windows environment, you actually have access to a more advanced version of the Group Policy Editor as well.In corporate environments, it's common to create a Security Template with predefined rules based  upon your Organization'sAdministrative Policies.This Security Template is a group of policies that can be loaded through a single procedure within the group policy editor. A large part of hardening the operating system occurs through loading different Group Policy objectives or GPOs against the workstation or against the server.These Group Policies are also used to create a secure baseline as part of your larger Configuration Management Program.Using them, new accounts and computers can quickly be configured with all of your organizational requirements. After creating your secure baseline,it's important to conduct Baselining.Baselining is a process of measuring changes in the network,hardware or software environment. Effectively baseline helps establish what normal is for your organization.By knowing what normal is,  you can then identify what abnormal or a deviation looks like. For example, if you're looking at your network utilization over a period of time, you can identify high periods and low periods.If you normally have low periods of activity during a Saturday afternoon, for example, but this Saturday afternoon, you saw an excessively high amount of activity.You should look into that and investigate it.For example, in this image, we can see one very high spike of activity. We would compare this to a known baseline and then determine this spike is expected or if it should be investigated further.Every deviation should be looked at and categorized as either acceptable and expected or an issue to investigate further.Many data breaches have been discovered by investigating higher than expected network utilization during periods of time that should have been relatively low.By looking at this they have found things like data exfiltration and other problems that have happened through the network.
