For Keeping your information under your control use Data Loss Prevention(DLP) tool.

Published: April 18, 2021, 10:56 a.m.


hello everyone my name is vijay kumar Devireddy and i am glad to have you back on my episode 16 today we are discussing about Data loss prevention.Data loss prevention is set up to monitor the data of a system while it's in use,in transit, or at rest.It does this, in order to detect any attempts to steal the data.Let's think about when we had data stored,20 or 30 years ago.Where did they store most of it?Well, most businesses stored it printed off,and in a filing cabinet.And if somebody wanted to get it,they'd have to break into your offices,open the filing cabinet, and physically take the files.This limited the amount of information that somebody could steal from you,because they really could only steal,what they could carry with them.Then, we started allowing people to work remotely,and a lot of data was stored on laptops.If you happened to stop for lunch and you left your laptop sitting in your car,somebody could've broken in your car,and stolen your laptop.And they now have access to all the data that was on it.The next evolution in data theft occurred when we started using external hard drives.These started being used,all throughout our offices.These hard drives could hold large amounts of data.We could plug it into the network, through our laptop,and download a ton of information and data,and then walk out of the building with it.But, these were kind of large and easy to detect.Next, we started seeing thumb drives,that hold just as much as  these external hard drives,carrying billions of documents out the front door with no one knowing it,because they're so small,and fit right in your pocket.But wait, we don't even need to do that nowadays,because we have things like Dropbox and Google Drive,where we get terabytes of storage available to you,hooked up to the network.And I could sit there and upload everything your company has,and get access to it,anywhere in the world.This is a huge problem for businesses,because our data and our intellectual property is what the currency of business is these days.To protect it, we have to use data loss prevention systems.These systems come as either software or hardware solutions.The first data loss prevention system we're going to talk about is an endpoint DLP system.An endpoint system, is usually a piece of software that's installed on a workstation or a laptop,and it's going to monitor the data that's in use on that computer.And if someone tries to do a file transfer,it'll either stop that file transfer,or it'll alert the admin of the occurrence based on certain rules and policies.Very much liked an IDS or an IPS would, but focused on data.DLPs can be set to detection mode, or prevention mode.The next one we have,is a network DLP system.This is a piece of software or hardware,that's a solution placed at the perimeter of your network.It's sole function in life,is to check all of the data going into,and out of your network,with a special focus on things going out of the network.They want to detect data in transit,that shouldn't be leaving the building.The third type we have,is called storage DLP.This is a software that's installed on a server in the data center and inspects the data while its at rest, on the server.This is usually because they've encrypted it or watermarked it,and we want to make sure that nobody's accessing the data at times that they shouldn't be.For example, if someone starts downloading large amounts of data at two in the morning,that's probably against your policy,and the DLP could catch it.The fourth type of DLP, is a cloud-based DLP system.These systems are usually offered as software, as a service,and it's part of your cloud service and storage needs.
