Commonly used Software Development models in-order to develop software products...

Published: May 28, 2021, 2:13 a.m.


hello everyone my name is vijay kumar Devireddy and i am glad to have you back on my episode 42 today we are discussing about In this section of the course,we're going to talk about software development.When a piece of software is created, it requires a lot of work.Each and every function that's performed by that software has to be written to be able to do its intended role.This often requires the work of dozens of programmers and hundreds of thousands of lines of code.Often, when a bug is found in a piece of software,I hear people ask why that company didn't figure it out before the software was released.Well, there's lots of different ways to conduct software testing,and we're going to talk about them later on in the section.But bugs are still going to find their way into code because our software is so complex these days.Let's take, for example, the Windows 10 operating system.It consists of over 50 million lines of code and took the involvement of hundreds of different programmers.With that much complexity, there's always a chance that an error is going to be introduced into the code base.Now, to try and counteract the complexity of our software development,many models and methods have been introduced,the most common of which is known as the software development life cycle or SLDC.The software development life cycle is an organized process of developing a secure software application throughout its life cycle throughout the project.This process covers everything from the initial idea of the software,through its coding and testing,and even into its deployment and retirement.The software development life cycle is based on a generic Waterfall model of development.Each phase of a life cycle is broken down into smaller portions.As each one is finished, the next one has begun.The reason this model is termed the Waterfall is that information and the software product itself flows from the top stage all the way down to the bottom stage,getting more developed as it progresses downward.Visually, this looks like a waterfall,as shown in this example on the screen.Different organizations use different phases or stages as part of their software development life cycle though,you need to know the seven phases.Now, let's cover each of theses seven phases.The first phase is planning and analysis.During this stage, the goals of the software project are determined, the stakeholder needs are assessed,and all of the high level planning work is conducted.Essentially, this is where things go from a rough idea that someone had for a piece of software into a bit more formalized and well developed concept that we can plan the rest of our development cycle against.Once all the requirements have been gathered,we can move into the phase that's known as software or systems design.It's during this stage that the application or system is defined, outlined, and diagrammed in detail.Essentially, this is where we focus on the overarching inputs and outputs of each function that are going to make up the final software that's going to be released to our customer.At this point, we still haven't created any programming code though.This brings us to the third phase,which is called implementation.During implementation, programmers will begin to code all of the various functions that are needed for the final product.As each piece of the code is developed,the programmers will conduct some basic debugging and testing to ensure that its functionality is working properly.But, at this point,there's been no formal testing completed yet.The fourth phase is reserved for that formalized testing of the application.It's during this phase that we get the code and we check it through a myriad of different testing methodologies.
