Common Delivery methods for malware to get into your system

Published: April 1, 2021, 5:21 p.m.


hello everyone my name is vijay kumar Devireddy and i am glad to have you back on my episode 06 today we are going to discuss about Common Delivery Methods of malware and how do they get into your machines .There are number of ways that your computer can get infected with malware. But by far, the most common ones come from software, messaging, and media. Software and messaging are things like email programs, peer- to-peer networks like BitTorrent, FTP servers, and pretty much any other way that we communicate from one computer to another. When I'm 


talking about media, we're talking about things like CDs and DVDs, USB thumb drives, external hard 



drives, tape backups, and even old school floppy disks.Now, I know what you're thinking. vijay, I'm smart enough not to pick up some USB drive off the ground and take some disks that I don't know where they came from, and slide it into 



my work computer.But guess what? This stuff happens every single day. Often it's because our human nature is to be nice,and we're trusting and we want to be helpful to people. So somebody comes over to your cubicle with a USB drive and 



says, hey I got three minutes before I got to give this presentation.Can you please print out my slide deck for me? Will you take that and put it in your drive? Well, you might.A lot of people do.And when they do that, there could be 



malware on that USB drive and we just infected the network. So, beyond plugging in a USB drive or a CD that you found on the floor, what's another place that you can get infected from? Well, there's a thing known as a watering hole.But 



before we talk about in computers, let's talk about a watering hole in the real world. If you go to Africa, there's a lot of desert there, and the animals need water. And so when they find a lake or an oasis, the animals will gather 



there and they'll drink the water, and then they'll go off and they'll do what animals do all day. And eventually they'll come back because they need more water again. And they'll do this time and time again. So watering holes are a 



place that people have to return to,or in this case, animals.Now, what does this have to do with your business and with computers? Well, it's the exact same concept. There's a lot of us who have routine habits, where we do the same 



thing day in and day out. And those places that we go are our watering holes. For example, every morning my friend gets up, he get a cup of coffee,he logs into Facebook and he starts scrolling his feed. For him, that would be a 



watering hole.It's something he goes to every single day. Are there those type of things inside your business? Maybe there's a supplier that you go to every single day to check your invoices. Well, if you think about this, an attacker 



can figure out where that website is that you go to every day. And if they can go and attack that company and embed viruses or malware into their website, when you go to the website to do regular work, like pulling your invoices,you 



can also be pulling that virus. So their website now becomes a watering hole for malware.And the malware that sits there behind that website will get potential victims. Now, if they got your supplier and they got all the people who 



visit the supplier,they can ultimately get you too. There are lots of things that can create watering holes for us.There's an automated toolkit called an exploit kit that makes this really easy to do as an attacker. Fortunately for us, 



a lot of websites that are watering holes and places that we go every single day, are very well secured.
