As a Service that we get over Network from Cloud....

Published: Aug. 26, 2021, 3:42 a.m.


Hello everyone my name is vijay kumar Devireddy and I am glad to have you back on my episode 65 today we're going to discuss about As a Service. Cloud computing also comes as four different types of services.I like to refer to these by the generalized term of as a service because as you're going to see,everything in the cloud is something as a service.The four types you need to be aware of are Software as a Service,Infrastructure as a Service,Platform as a Service,and Security as a Service.With Software as a Service,you're going to be provided with a complete solution.This includes the hardware,the operating system,the software, the applications,everything that's needed for that service to be delivered.For example, if you use Office 365 for Microsoft,this is considered Software as a Service,and it allows your end users to access their email,their Word documents, their PowerPoint presentations,and all of that directly from within their web browser.Sometimes though, you're going to have to build a customized piece of software to meet your particular service needs.In this case you might only need the service provider to give you the hardware, the operating system,and the backend server software.With Infrastructure as a Service,you get the benefit of this dynamic allocation of additional resources known as elasticity,but you don't have to deal with the headache of long-term commitments and contracts, buying the hardware,and installing the underlying operating systems.For example, you might want to contract for a new cloud-based web host to host your company's website upon.The server might be built and hosted by the cloud service provider,and come with a pre-installed Linux operating system and an Apache web server.Now, your programmers can simply create a custom application for your customers that's run on top of this web server without having to worry about the underlying operating system and hardware.The third type of service is called Platform as a Service.Under this model, the third party vendor will provide your organization with all the hardware and software needed for a specific service to operate.For example, if you're company is developing a new piece of software, they might have a development platform that's provided by a third party cloud provider.This might be an example of Platform as a Service.Now, if we want to summarize these three types,remember that Infrastructure as a Service,you're provided with everything you need to run a server,including the power, the space, the cooling,the network, the firewalls, the physical servers,and the virtualization layer.With Platform as a Service,the operating system and the infrastructure software is added to that list I just gave you.Now infrastructure software includes things like an Apache web server, a MySQL database,programming languages and lots more.With Software as a Service,the hosted application software is added to top of this infrastructure and platform portions.As you can see, Software as a Service is much closer to your end user than either Platform as a Service, or Infrastructure as a Service.Now, at the beginning of this lesson,I said that there was four types of as a service that you had to know for the exam.The fourth one is Security as a Service.
