10 Best Ways To secure your mobile devices....

Published: May 4, 2021, 3:29 a.m.


hello everyone my name is vijay kumar Devireddy and i am glad to have you back on my episode 27 today we are discussing about In this episode we're going to discuss the 10 best ways to increase the security of your mobile devices.This is known as mobile device hardening.Number one, update your device to use the latest version of the software, whether this is your operating system,your apps or your firmware,you should always be updating it.By updating it, you're making sure that you have all known vulnerabilities patched and secured.Just like your desktop,most devices are hacked because they're not patched from a known vulnerability,so when an update comes out, make sure you apply it.Number two, install antivirus.A lot of people figure that it's a mobile device and it's not a computer so it doesn't need antivirus.But, just like a computer,your mobile devices do need to have antivirus and antimalware installed.Number three, train your users on proper security and use of the device.This includes showing them how to use social media appropriately,what sites are safe to browse and what apps are allowed to be installed.Remember, these are all vulnerabilities that your employee,who's holding the device,can install and use on your device.You have a right to train them the correct way.Next, number four, only install applications from the official mobile stores.At least if you've done that,they have malware checks and security checks and you're much less likely to have issues.Again, this is the App Store for Apple and the Google Play store for Android.Number five, don't root or jailbreak your device.That's going to bypass the security and the built-in protections that Apple and Android have already put in there for you.If you do this, you're asking for trouble.Number six, only use version two SIM cards with your devices.As we talked about in the SIM cloning lecture,version two is very hard to clone but version one is actually quite easy.So you should always use version two SIM cards to help counter SIM cloning.Next, we have number seven,turn off all unnecessary features.Whether this is Wi-Fi, Bluetooth,near-field communication,mobile hotspots, tethering,location tracking, and more.Turn it off if you're not going to use it.If you do have to use Bluetooth,make it undiscoverable.Number eight, turn on encryption for your voice and data.This'll ensure things like Bluetooth,near-field communications, Wi-Fi,and others have encryption enabled whenever you're using them.Number nine, use strong passwords or biometrics for log on.That means you shouldn't be using a four digit PIN.You want to use things like a thumbprint,a face scan, or long, strong passwords,whichever of those three your device supports.Also, you should turn on Find My Phone,enable remote lockout, and remote wipe capabilities before you need them.Number ten, don't allow BYOD.I know I talked about in the BYOD lecture,that you can allow your organization to make the choice, but let's just be honest:bring your own device means bring your own disaster.It introduces a ton of risk; if you use it you need to ensure that you have storage segmentation,and good mobile device management and having your employees allow you to install it.And Thankyou 
