How to Hire a Full-Time Rockstar Virtual Assistant with John Jonas

Published: Jan. 13, 2020, 9:30 a.m.


John has helped over 100,000 people succeed in their business by doing outsourcing differently. He owns with nearly 1 million Filipino resumes and hundreds of thousands of employers hiring VAs.

Top 3 Value Bombs:

1. You can hire teachable, talented and competent virtual assistants for $600/month.

2. You are ready to hire a VA if you have one thing in your business that you know works and you are doing it and you feel that you can teach someone else to do it for you.

3. The potential downside of hiring a virtual assistant is that if it does not work for you, you lose couple of hundred dollars. The potential upside is if it works for you, you get time back in your life. The only way to know is to give it a try.

The Job Board For Virtual Workers In The Philippines - Online Jobs Ph


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