ETHINKSTL008-Where Does The Money Come From? Ask Eddie Davis

Published: Oct. 26, 2016, 9:20 a.m.

From finance and financing to technical assistance, Eddie can tell you first-hand what it takes for entrepreneurs to succeed and flourish. "I started as a car washer." From there, Eddie Davis went into public relations at Union Electric (Ameren) where he managed the company's charitable trust - deploying capital in the St. Louis region. This was just the start of a long and interesting career that pioneered minority business development policies in the St. Louis region. Creating value. Making intentional business decisions. Creating positive impact for individuals and businesses in our community. These are the things Eddie does. Eddie knows where the money comes from. Today you'll find him nurturing minority business owners at The Center for the Acceleration of African-American Business (CAAAB). CAAAB is a non-profit civic organization established to support the growth and development of businesses owned by minority populations, primarily African Americans. The Center’s goal is to advance economic development in the St. Louis and metro East Illinois regions by elevating the status of African American businesses and their workforce. Eddie also serves as chairman of the board of trustees at Justine Petersen. Spend some time with Christy, Cheryl and Eddie to learn more about his amazing career and the work he does everyday to make St. Louis a place where minority entrepreneurs can thrive.