ETHINKSTL-053-Open Source Agriculture

Published: Oct. 25, 2017, 4:55 p.m.

How close do you live to your local grocery store? Most of us don't know. As long as it's close to home, it's not a problem. But when you don't have a local grocery store, or you have one but it's too far away to get to without transportation, figuring out how you'll buy your groceries becomes a big problem. For the past decade, Americans have driven an average of 6 miles between home and their closest grocery store. For rural Americans, especially those in the South, the trip can be much longer. This phenomenon is called a food desert. Food deserts aren't mere inconveniences to the people who live within one; they're an example of food insecurity and they negatively affect public health. Today, we are joined by Peter Webb, inventor of Food Computer kits and an avid supporter of OpenAg. We discover more about OpenAg and how Peter is providing solutions to those living in food deserts.