ETHINKSTL-012-Grow, Thrive and Think Big-Vision 2016

Published: Nov. 27, 2016, 1:55 a.m.

A recap of the Vision! We broadcast LIVE from the Vision 2016 regional symposium presented by BioSTL, ITEN and St. Louis Makes. This marks the second annual event with the goal of building a wholly-inclusive, diverse innovation community. Entrepreneurially Thinking podcast producer, Jade Harrell, speaks with participants prior to the symposium in a pre-show to highlight the event and bring the symposium to the broader community. Seeking to learn more about opportunities in bioscience, IT and advanced manufacturing? Learn about the numerous opportunities in these growing industries and find your fit! This event featured diverse professionals, entrepreneurs, entrepreneurial resource support organizations, start-up organizations and corporations in a multi-track format. In this on location edition of ETHINKSTL: Meet the founder, Mary Stillman, and the young ladies of the Hawthorn School of Leadership. Hear what makes them love their all girls school and what they aspire to be and do when they grown up! Meet keynote speaker, Dr. Ainissa Ramirez - former Yale engineering professor, named one of the world's Top 100 Young Innovators and host of a popular podcast, Science Underground. Hear why says the next Einstein will most likely be a little black girl. A personal invitation from the partners of ITEN join the innovative, collaborative community. Hear why they need you to connect and get involved. Learn more and visit , and of course .