What The Music?! Vol. # 64

Published: Feb. 19, 2022, 4 p.m.

\\nIn this episode of “What The Music” we’re cracking open the computer and playing some submissions you sent in!
\\n Here’s who we played:
\\nDmitry Wild – Summer of 21This is a b-side I found.
\\nMcDermott & North – All Things Come And Goabout coming to terms with the fact that whenever you\\u2019re going through a rough patch, a ray of sunshine is just around the corner. As we grow older we learn how to let go of the things we once held closely in order to make way for the next part of life\\u2019s journey. You also start to realise the finite nature of life and the importance of finding a sense of contentment living in the moment. The song lives in that space – not thinking about the past, not being too worried about the future either.https://www.mcdermottandnorth.com/
\\nCatfish Seminar – The Fortsingle serves as a cheerful song about challenging relationships, explores fighting in relationships, and questions the best approach to healthy arguing and the importance of taking space.
\\nFriendship – Give SpaceThe lyrics on \\u201cGive Space\\u201d deal with how we can try with all our might to bethere for someone, help them or give advice if they\\u2019re struggling, butessentially what they need is breathing room. And sometimes that\\u2019s thebest thing you can give them.
\\nMoses – Happy Birthday PaydayFun song
\\nThe Assist – Television KidThe track narrates the mischievous nature of a fictional socialite character who we will have all met at some point in our lives.https://the-assist.co.uk/
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