108: Leading with the 5 Choices to Extraordinary Productivity | with Kory Kogon from FranklinCovey

Published: March 15, 2015, 2 p.m.

Nearly half of your company’s payroll is being spent on things that don’t matter to your strategic goals. That’s based on results of a six-year global study of 350,000 people by the firm FranklinCovey. Here’s the good news: You can change your practices and the culture of your team to automatically self-orient around the important things that really make an impact. The 5 Choices: The Path to Extraordinary Productivity is a new book that builds on the latest neuroscience plus decades of experience and research in the time management field. According to Kory Kogon and her co-authors, the result is time management redefined for the 21st century.
Kory Kogon is the Global Productivity Practice Leader for FranklinCovey. She joins us to discuss the 5 choices:

* The first two choices are focused on decision management.

* Act on the important, don’t react to the urgent.
* Go for extraordinary, don’t settle for ordinary.

* The second two choices are focused on attention management.

* Schedule the big rocks, don’t sort gravel.
* Rule your technology, don’t let it rule you.

* The last choice is focused on energy management.

* Fuel your fire, don’t burn out.

Resources Mentioned in This Episode

* Book: The 5 Choices: The Path to Extraordinary Productivity
* Website: www.the5choices.com
* LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/pub/kory-kogon/1/237/6ab
* Twitter: @korykogon
* TV interview on MSNBC: 5 Ways To Better Manage Your Time
* TV interview on Today show: How To Get Your Email Organized

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