Closing the Gap Between Where You Are Now and Where You Want to Be Without Feeling Disappointed: Aaron Solo Episode 200

Published: Nov. 16, 2021, 7 a.m.


There has always been a focus on the future that we each want to create. As a couple this can be in the form of setting goals or establishing your vision statement. This is a great thing because you can\\u2019t get anywhere if you don\\u2019t know where you want to go. But sometimes this can leave you feeling disappointed that you are \\u201cnot there yet\\u201d or be discouraged when you feel you are not making as much progress as you would like.\\xa0

In this solo episode with Aaron you will hear how there is a gap that gets created from this thinking, which can cause you to feel more disappointed about the relationship, when really you just need to change a particular focus. You will hear how you can close the gap between where you want to be and where you are now, so that you are not left feeling discouraged about your current relationship or your partner. You will easily gain appreciation and gratitude by making this one small shift.


Episode Resources & Links:

  1. Order our book, The Argument Hangover, and get over $200 of free bonus gifts (like the mini course and a 90 minute training)
  2. The Gap and The Gain book by Ben Hardy HERE