Life Coaching and Changing Mindsets Conversations

Published: Oct. 22, 2024, 7:31 p.m.

It's my pleasure to introduce our 29th guest for 2024, Carolyn J. Murphy, the Founder and CEO of Firm Foundations Community Outreach, LLC. This multifaceted organization is dedicated to assisting individuals in coping with the aftermath of trauma. As someone who has triumphed over childhood and subsequent trauma, Carolyn deeply understands the challenges of recovery, which inspired her book "God, Why Did You Save Me?" As a Mindshift Coach, she guides individuals towards healing and connects them with necessary resources. Carolyn has earned a BA in Organizational Leadership and is currently pursuing an MBA. She is also a TN-certified Peer Recovery Specialist (CPRS). Outside of her work, Carolyn enjoys cruises, music, long walks in the park, and watching a variety of movies, from action to comedy. Her love for laughter also draws her to stand-up comedy. Carolyn's mission is to facilitate a mindset shift in those dealing with trauma, teaching them not only to break free from their past but also to use their experiences as a foundation for a liberated life. Today's discussion topic is "Life Coaching and Changing Mindsets Conversations."



Contact information:
\nCarolyn J. Murphy




Firm Foundations Community Outreach, LLC


Specializing in Depression and Anxiety Positive and\nHealthy Coping Skills Mindshift Transformation




















God, Why Did You Save Me?: The Carolyn Murphy Story


