214 : Brandon Checketts – Seller Labs CEO explains it all. And there has been a lot going on!

Published: July 6, 2017, 3 a.m.

When you think Seller Labs you think of Jeff Cohen, we all do. Seeing him in that white lab coat for years at EVERY event every week, every state has that affect. Most people never have heard of Brandon Checketts. Brandon and Paul Johnson, (the other partner you never saw) intentionally set it up that way. They saw in Jeff what we see, a natural spokesman everyone likes, a gifted connector. I think that's why Brandon is a great leader, he recognized he needed to let someone else step into a role (that might seem to naturally be his) but maybe someone else could be better. A very difficult thing to do but man oh man look at the result. A fast growing company that has pivoted many times (we talk about them), has had some ups and some downs (we talk about them). And a very personal battle that Brandon and his family have been fighting (and winning) all while the business he started with a weekend of coding (crazy talk to me) goes forward in bigger and better ways.



Seller Labs - Seller Labs is built upon a foundation of strong software engineering, savvy customer support and informative e-commerce insights. Whether combined or used alone, our software applications give Amazon sellers the resources necessary to win on the world’s largest product search engine.

Scope - Amazon Product Research & Analytics

Feedback Genius- Seller Feedback & Product Reviews

Ignite - Optimize Sponsored Products

Quantify - The Smart Amazon Dashboard

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