165 : Agus Purwanto – Young Gun Interview Series – Getting better with help from others

Published: Jan. 16, 2017, 3 a.m.

Agus is very quick to credit the help of others for his incredible success. He realizes the others in his life are helping him in so much more than business. The life you have will affect your business if you let it. Having a close group of supporters to help keep you focused is so valuable. This is another example of why a group approach to business can bring so much more.

How do you find "Your" group? Give, give, give and then give so me more. Yes that's it. Keep giving until it hurts. Really that's it. Then look for others doing the same, that seem to have similar goals, that treat others as you want to be treated. Get it? You will naturally gravitate to each other, you will find them, they will find you.



Agus contact

Nationwide Fulfillment Services - This is Jesse Thompsons email contact.