146 : Jay Bayne – Loving his Amazon businesses on his terms!

Published: Nov. 10, 2016, 3 a.m.

It has been an interesting year for Jay and his family. A historic flood in his town, a new home, a new role in his day job and a new job for his wife. Oh and his kids are getting older! Good life stuff. I love the way Jay talks about a real life evaluation last year where he took stock and decided not to leave a dream job. It has paid off, he has found a way to make the chaos of life work for him.


Jay's first interview #20 

Scanner Monkey - use code "Monkey Month" for a free 30 day trial

Jay's contact:  Jay@scannermonkey.com

Questions from Chris Green's Scanpower Facebook Group

Q - What are your reasons for going to a conference? What specifically are your goals for a conference?

Q - Amazon is launching P/L brands continually, what does this mean for P/L?

Q - Stickerless commingled. Have you used it?

Action Steps:
1 - Health- everyday
2 - Work Thing/ Family Thing
3 - Compound Effect