Are Geophysicists Prospects in the Mining Industry Not That Promising?

Published: Aug. 21, 2020, midnight


is that true?


By comparison with geophysical exploration for oil, geophysical prospecting in mining is of limited scope, both areawise and dollarwise. To begin with, geologic exposures are abundant in many mining districts, making the application of geophysics unnecessary. Exploration targets in mining are usually so small by comparison with the promising area that blanket exploration becomes too costly if not impossible.


-Heiland, C. A. 1948. How Can Geophysics Be of Better Service To the Mining Industry? Geophysics, 13(4), 529. 


On this episode, our EarthEx guest, Kak Ratu, will also share her intership experience in PT ANTAM Tbk and her volunteering experience with our host, Anzal.


so, what would Kak Ratu thinks about Geophysicists Prospect in the Mining Industry? let\\u2019s hear it out!


are you ready? set your earphone on, and enjoy!

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