EAP Episode 12: Fulfilling Your Life Purpose + Becoming a Mindful Techie - Meico Whitlock

Published: April 16, 2018, 5 a.m.

Kimi Walker's guest on this episode of the Early Accountability podcast is Meico Whittlock, founder and CEO of the Mindful Techie, an organization that helps high-achievers reclaim their time and refocus on their life purpose. Meico uses his experiences on the brink of burnout to coach individuals and organizations on the topics of reducing digital distractions, reclaiming work/life balance, and refocusing on their purpose or mission in life.

Meico identifies two key tools in this shift in perspective: (1) deciding to live in a way that will fulfill your own life purpose, rather than in reaction to other people’s priorities, and (2) a very helpful Gmail tool that helps you spend less time in your inbox. It is easy to view your inbox and your calendar full of meetings as someone else’s to-do list for you, but Meico recommends shifting your mindset when an email comes in so that you see it as a way to fulfill your purpose rather than someone else’s. In Gmail, Meico uses the “when inbox ready” plugin that allows you to hide your inbox until you are ready to see it and then it provides you with metrics about how long and how many times you access your inbox over a specified timeframe.

The three life-changing questions that Meico wants us to ask ourselves are: (1) What am I grateful for? (2) What would I do if I knew that I couldn’t fail? (3) What will people say about me after I die?
The answers to these questions can either affirm that we are on the right path or alert us that we have strayed from our life purpose and we need to evaluate our vision and priorities. The items that we put on our calendars are the items that take precedence over everything else, so be sure to schedule time for what is important to you.

Topics Covered in this Episode:
•Meico’s tools for focusing on your life’s purpose
•The three key questions to ask yourself about your life’s purpose
•How to still be able to spend time on social media without feeling guilty
•Multitasking is a myth