EAP 150: The Fear of Visibility is Keeping You Small

Published: Dec. 8, 2020, 3:24 a.m.

b'Our topic on this episode of the Early Accountability Podcast is visibility: why it is difficult to do and why it is so important. Whether you are thinking of starting a podcast, writing a book, starting a blog, teaching a course, or just talking about an important subject, there could be many reasons why you are hesitant to put yourself out there:

\\u2022Fear \\u2013 Fear often holds us back. This could be fear of public speaking, fear of ridicule, imposter syndrome, or other obstacles that tell us we are not good enough to put ourselves out there.

\\u2022Self-consciousness \\u2013 This ties into fear, but it goes a step beyond to make us feel like there is something wrong with us. During the pandemic, this can manifest in not feeling \\u201cpresentable enough\\u201d to record videos because of the lack of professional help for hair, makeup, photography, etc. and because you might feel like you don\\u2019t have a good space in your house to record video content.

\\u2022You think people already know \\u2013 Just because you know something doesn\\u2019t mean everyone who follows you does. Remember that you have a unique voice and perspective. Even if someone has heard what you have to say many times before, they might need to hear it from you in order to truly grasp it.

\\u2022False perception of reality \\u2013 Social media has made comparison far too prevalent. You might feel insufficient to be visible because you don\\u2019t think you can say things as well as that person you follow, but they probably feel the same way. Be confident in your message and don\\u2019t let anyone bring you down.

But Kimi points out the reasons why visibility is important:
\\u2022Building relationships \\u2013 As humans, we need connection. We need to see that there are other people who have the same struggles and successes as we do in order to build up perseverance in overcoming adversity.

\\u2022Increasing self-confidence \\u2013 The more you do something, the more comfortable you will be doing it. Practice doesn\\u2019t make perfect, but practice makes better, and let that be good enough.

\\u2022Leaving your mark on the world \\u2013 With all of the technology available to us today, we have the capability to reach audiences far beyond those people we can see face-to-face. Take some time to dream about the mark you want to leave on the world and believe that you have something worth saying.

Topics Covered in this Episode:
\\u2022Putting yourself out there
\\u2022Overcoming fear
\\u2022Building relationships
\\u2022Leaving a mark on the world'