EAP 103: Planning for 2020's Pitfalls

Published: Jan. 14, 2020, 1:11 a.m.

On this episode of the Early Accountability Podcast, Kimi discusses ways to maintain your momentum in working towards your goals, even when you hit unexpected roadblocks along the way. It is often tempting to abandon your goals when you face pitfalls or disappointments, but you don’t have to – here are 3 things to keep in mind to keep your goals on track:
1.Expect adversity – Accept that negative things are going to happen sometimes, and these things are necessary for learning and growth. Struggles build character and strengthen your resolve on your journey to achieving your goals.

2.Find your tribe – Surround yourself with a few people who understand what you are going through and give you their perspectives to help you make better choices. Often, these people have similar goals to you or they have previously walked the road you are currently walking, giving them the needed experience to mentor, coach, or encourage you.

3.Understand your triggers – Rather than being disheartened when you hit a snag or when something happens that changes your trajectory, pay attention to how you react in these times and try to make adjustments. Empower yourself to push forward and make the necessary changes, picking yourself back up and not giving up on your goals.

These things can help you be prepared to power forward when something unexpected happens and stay on track with the goals you have set for yourself.

Topics Covered in this Episode:
•Keeping momentum for your goals
•Pushing through adversity
•Sustaining your goals
•Action paradigm
•New year’s resolutions