Forrest Rice | Drum Forrest Drum

Published: July 8, 2018, 3:21 p.m.

Forrest Rice is the drummer for bands Covet and The Illustrative Violet. We recorded this interview via Skype while Forrest was driving to San Jose in his Toyota. He was also enjoying a Vanilla Latte on ice from Starbucks, although it was made for Alex. We still don't know who Alex is.


So Forrest is a well known and revered drummer on the gram, but I wouldn't say that he is an "Instagram Drummer" necessarily. He spends a lot of time in real life situations performing, practicing and filming videos beyond his jam room. He had never been on a podcast before, which I still cannot believe, and he hasn't had a published article on him since his 2014 GC Drumoff success. With all of that being said we definitely take a deep dive into his past and how he came to be with the instrument. Most people know that I generally don't take this route with interviews, but considering he has never shared that stuff in an interview and he has lots of fans who would likely want to hear about that, I decided we ought to take that road.


Some takeaways in this episode are regarding his approach to playing, his practice routine, his past with "shedding", how he approaches the band setting, finances, and how to get flowing around the kit. This is actually a very "drummy" episode, which is also rare on this podcast. Forrest is a legit geek with the drums and we straight up nerd out for almost two hours and have lots of laughs along the way as I accompanied him on his drive. There were A LOT of technical difficulties and this was very time consuming to edit, (I think calls dropped around six times during our interview and took over three hours to record) but I am happy with the results and it turned out just fine.


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