Episode 65 | Siros Vaziri

Published: Feb. 19, 2018, 1:39 a.m.

Welcome back to another episode of the DrumGAB podcast! This week we go international with Siros Vaziri from Sweden. In this episode we cover the story of Siros' month long clinic tour and how it impacted him. We discuss the journey of creating his Instagram page and how he is converting that into a business for himself to relieve many aspects of his drumming career that he feels isn’t as important as forming his brand. I believe that many listeners, especially who inhabit the Instagram community, will find this episode particularly inspiring and helpful.


Who is Siros?


Siros is popularly known as “The Fill Guy” which is something he didn’t fully recognize until he went to NAMM and was repeatedly approached with his famous hand gesture. He creates “Fill Packs” that contain 100 fills in each lesson pack as well as mini packs to get people started. Beyond that, Siros is a self taught drummer who has incorporated YouTube and Instagram for educational aid, which seems to be popular with drummers of his generation. By teaching himself he has managed to become a very capable player and before I understood that he was self taught, I would not have thought that.


Siros is also a very wise and tactical thinker when it comes to internet marketing and creating influence through social media. Along with many others, he has proven that it is more than possible to create a brand and market yourself to create your own career with drumming content. I believe that Siros will continue to develop his brand and he won’t be permanently known as “The Fill Guy” as he understands the importance to be in the moment and constantly evolve.


Concluding Thoughts


Siros has taught himself everything that he knows that pertains to his content. Filming, recording and the playing. He also lives in a small city of 16,000 people in Sweden that virtually has no music scene, yet he has an engaged following online that is five times that amount. I can relate to this myself. Hosting a podcast that is listened to worldwide and yet I live in a country neighbourhood in a town of just over 12,000 people and there is NO music scene whatsoever.


So what is interesting is that location has so little to do with what a musician can accomplish with hard work, quality content and a vision. It is a topic that a feel many of us are contemplating when things will break through or what is “my thing?” but remember….Siros has been doing this for 3.5 years and has worked very hard at developing his content and pays close attention to what people aren’t doing and fills those gaps (no pun intended).


Siros’ Socials


Instagram | YouTube | Facebook | Twitter | Website


DrumGAB’s Socials


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