Episode 27 | Brandon Green

Published: June 14, 2017, 4:01 a.m.

#humpdaygiveaway | Week 6 Q: What does the acronym PAP stand for?

Our health is something that many young people take for granted and older people wish to have back. Most of my listeners range from the ages of 18-40 and obviously play drums. Even though symptoms of joint pain and other issues with our body may not appear obvious at the present moment, it may rear it’s ugly head later in life and by that point it will be much more difficult to remedy.

Brandon Green is a health and fitness expert that has been studying biomechanics for about 11 years and owns his own facility called Strata Internal Performance. Brandon and his team commit themselves to improving the lives of people who live with daily pain in their body and with tremendous success, manage to help educate and in the process relieve major discomfort that prevents his clients from living an active and pain free lifestyle.

Brandon’s goal is to help educate drummers across the world about how our bodies operate while playing the drums and how we can prevent injuries and keep on doing what we all love to do. Brandon’s suggestions to improving posture, warm up routines and many other facets of our physical relationship to the drum set are all reinforced with a firm scientific arm and his concepts are all explained with tremendous clarity and undeniable proof.

In this podcast we explore the fundamentals to ensure that our listeners can easily apply these important facts to their setup and help with creating a more comfortable and suiting environment for drummers to play within. We discuss the importance of proper throne height, a warm up routine to trigger PAP and increase our endurance and performance, the basic physics of the human body and how they apply to technique on the drum set and how to manage injuries. They are simple, yet effective and universal concepts that will help you in your daily grind on the kit.

Instagram | @drummechanics
Instagram | @stratainternalperformance

Brandon's YouTube Throne Video
