Drone News: New Bill to Ban Chinese Drones, DJI Matrice 3D Leaks, and Zipline's New Partnerships.

Published: Nov. 3, 2023, noon


Welcome to your weekly news update, we have 3 stories for you this week, New bill proposes banning Chinese drones for the Federal Government, DJI Matrice 3D leaks, and Zipline\\u2019s new partnerships with Healthcare in Ohio.\\n\\nMake your voice heard:\\nhttps://droneadvocacyalliance.com/?vvsrc=%2Fcampaigns%2F105982%2Frespond



First up this week is a \\u201cnew\\u201d bill that would prohibit the Federal Government from purchasing Chinese Drones, again\\u2026 \\nTo be clear, this is a reintroduction of a past, failed bill. Florida Senator Rick Scott introduced the American Safety Drone Act in the Senate and now Representative Gallagher from Wisconsin is now doing the same in the House. \\nThis new bill is set to be announced this week, and would prohibit the federal government from using any tax dollars to purchase UAV equipment from China.\\nThe bill would require a federal report detailing the number of foreign commercial drones and \\u201cCovered\\u201d unmanned aircraft procured by federal departments.\\nAt the non-federal level, the bill would also bar local and state governments from purchasing Chinese drones using federal grants. \\nBoth Scott, in the past, and Gallagher now are trying to attach this to the National Defense Authorization Act, which is the only likely way for it to advance since it\\u2019s highly unlikely to move on its own. \\nOnce again we see a country of origin ban rather than a set of comprehensive standards that any drone used for government purposes must conform to. \\nThe best way to fight this is to use the DAA\\u2019s link in the description for instructions on reaching out to your representatives and oppose the National Defense Authorization Act. \\n\\nNext up this week are some DJI leaks, for the Matrice 3D.\\nNew pictures of the drone and new pictures of the rumored DJI Dock Mini.\\nAs we covered previously, the Matrice 3D appears to be a simplified DJI Mavic 3 Thermal with fixed arms, top-mounted SDK port and mounting, and built-in RTK. \\nNew leaks about the Mini Dock appears to shows an angled channel that the Matrice 3D would fit into in contrast to the flat landing pad of the existing DJI dock.\\nThe M3D also appears to be slightly larger than the Mavic 3 with much thicker arms and larger propellers.\\nPretty cool innovations coming from DJI, we\\u2019ll see if this is released any time soon! \\n\\nLastly this week is an announcement from Zipline, who has partnered with a number of healthcare providers in Ohio and Michigan.\\nZipline announced in September that they\\u2019d gotten FAA permission to operate BVLOS without visual observers, and now they appear to be ready to use that permission.\\nPartnerships include the Cleveland Clinic, Michigan Medicine, Intermountain Healthcare, and Ohio Health. \\nWith these new partnerships, Zipline aims to deliver prescriptions directly to a home\\u2019s front door by 2025.\\nThe Zipline P2 system cruises at 70 mph, an altitude of 300 feet and uses a small \\u201cdroid\\u201d to drop packages in places where the main aircraft can\\u2019t get to.\\nPretty cool tech!\\n\\nThat\\u2019s it! Have a great week and we\\u2019ll see you for our live on Monday on our airplane channel!\\n\\nhttps://dronexl.co/2023/10/31/zipline-drones-deliver-meds/\\n\\nhttps://www.flyzipline.com/newsroom/news/announcements/faa-authorizes-zipline-to-fly-bvlos\\n\\nhttps://www.reuters.com/technology/us-house-panel-seeks-ban-federal-purchases-chinese-drones-ft-2023-11-01/\\n\\nhttps://dronexl.co/2023/10/30/dji-matrice-3d-dock-mini/\\n\\nhttps://dronexl.co/2023/10/31/dji-dock-mini-matrice-3d-photos/\\n\\nhttps://droneadvocacyalliance.com/?vvsrc=%2Fcampaigns%2F105982%2Frespond
