DLG191 Comedian Kelsey Caine goes deep talking about Penis C.K. (Pun Alert!)

Published: Jan. 28, 2021, 3:35 p.m.

Kelsey Caine has invented an inspired hit, #METOO character, Penis C K. where she… well… see it for yourself here: https://twitter.com/kelsey_caine/status/1035573794516160512?lang=en Kelsey tells us the story behind Penis C.K., including her experience of buying a “realistic” penis, and the joys and fallout of going on tour with this character. We also learn that Kelsey comes by this hilarious activism honestly as she describes a project she initiated at her old high school in Texas. https://www.chron.com/neighborhood/bellaire/news/article/St-Agnes-alumna-pushes-for-sexual-assault-12913306.php Kelsey’s original Dr. Lisa session from 11.15.18: https://www.podomatic.com/podcasts/drlisa/episodes/2018-12-23T10_50_45-08_00