DLG1644_Dr. Lisa and artist Mark Dean Veca catch up and discuss adulthood

Published: Nov. 24, 2016, 1:46 a.m.

http://markdeanveca.com/home.html Mark Dean Veca is an incredible artist who combines pop art, comics and magic to make work that is exhibited world wide. Mark and I became good friends in the late 90's when we were part of the Artists in the Marketplace at the Bronx Museum along with a bunch of other great artists. Here's a review of our exhibition in the New York TImes. http://www.nytimes.com/1997/08/01/arts/a-flock-of-fledglings-testing-their-wings.html Mark is unusual in that he has created and maintained a lovely and nourishing family life with his wife and son. We unearth some of the mystery behind how an artist achieves such a stable and lovely home life. Hint: Marry and awesome person-Lauren!