Four ways to keep email and chat apart

Published: March 27, 2023, 7:45 a.m.


Have you noticed that email and chat often gets jumbled together?

You end up with the same conversation spread out in many places simultaneously. You need to spend valuable time looking for where someone wrote what.

In episode No. 552 of Done!, I share four ways to prevent this from happening.

In fact, is the line between chat and email already clear to you and your colleagues? Great! What have you done to draw the line? Tell me, because I want more examples of what can help us separate the two.

Want five alternative ways to keep track of your deadlines?

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David Stiernholm is a \\u201dstrukt\\xf6r\\u201d. As such he helps people and companies become more efficient and productive by creating better structure.

His motto is: everything can be done easier! David is frequently hired as a speaker by all kinds of businesses ranging from well-established major corporations to entrepreneurial companies in hyper growth. He extinguishes himself by providing clients with concrete tools and methods that can be applied instantly both at work and in your personal life. During a talk with David Stiernholm you will realize that structure is both liberating and fun, and that by establishing a better structure you become less stressed and more efficient.

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