Dominated by CHRISTINE AND THE QUEENS - 5 Years of Chris

Published: Sept. 14, 2023, 8:37 p.m.


The clock stays wound back this week as we celebrate 5 years of CHRISTINE & THE QUEENS' sophomore album, 'Chris'. Throughout our track-by-track, we discuss the timestamp of the album on Christine's journey of gender expression and the deep narrative lore surrounding the Macho Chris & his relationship to the more fragile side of Christine we saw on his first effort.


ALSO discussed: BETTY WHO's Broadway debut in 'Hadestown', Quincy's BEYONC\\xc9 blunder, and the hottest new Aussie-pop sensation GRETTA RAY!


At the SPA: KYLIE MINOGUE (Tension), SKAAR (Follow Your Heart), SOFIA ISELLA (Everybody Supports Women), BAD SUNS (The One I Used to Love), GRIFF (Vertigo), MS MR (Saturn Return), and M\\xc5NESKIN (Honey [Are You Coming?]).


NEXT WEEK: 'Positive Spin' by GRETTA RAY!
