088: How to Be a Learning Superhero (and Navigate the Great MFA Debate)

Published: March 30, 2016, 1:47 p.m.



Hey there Word Nerds! This is our last solo show before the Storytelling Superpower Summit in June. We just rolled out the Storytelling Superpower Quiz and we\\u2019ll be having a series of podcasts in June that dig deeper into the storytelling superpower archetypes. We\\u2019re focusing on figuring out what type of character really drives you so that you can dive in and get the most out of the story you decide to tell, both for your readers and for you as a writer.

Today I want to talk with you about how to learn a creative skill. And this ties in nicely with the Great MFA Debate that is going on now, and that goes on every year. Usually in the spring, because that\\u2019s when people are deciding whether to enroll into programs they\\u2019ve been accepted into, a debate crops up on the internet about the pros and cons of getting a traditional MFA. Recently an article appeared in the Atlantic where a couple of researchers used computer analysis of texts to come to the conclusion that there was no distinct difference between the writing of those with formal MFA training and those without.

I wanted to weigh in on this debate for two reasons. One, because it kinda goes with my territory as the instigator of DIYMFA and two because I feel like people in this debate often miss the mark and end up arguing about things that don\\u2019t actually help you evaluate whether or not getting an MFA is actually right FOR YOU. So let\\u2019s take a look at the benefits and the costs of getting a traditional MFA.


The Benefits

  • It gives you time to write.
    Truthfully, committing to an MFA means you really don\\u2019t have any more excuses not to put in the time and create the content you are required to for the course.
  • It is one path toward publication.
    An MFA can help you make connections in the publishing and writing world that you might not otherwise have the opportunity to pursue.
  • It helps you become a better writer.
    An MFA makes you practice, and practicing your craft will help you improve in the long run.

These are all good points, I\\u2019ve taken advantage of a traditional MFA myself, and each of these things rings true for me. But what happens when you become too dependent of assignments and external motivators? You might find that you\\u2019re unable to write without those external motivations.

The Costs

  • Financially, an MFA program can be prohibitive.
    There are many literal costs to consider, and while a lot of programs have funding for participants, most do not have total funding or funding for all their participants equally.
  • Opportunity costs
    These include having to give up a day job, moving to be closer to your program, and travelling (even for low residency programs).
  • The Genre Problem
    If you write \\u201cgenre fiction\\u201d (i.e. sci-fi, fantasy, YA, or anything other than what is considered \\u201cliterary\\u201d fiction) finding an MFA program that specializes in your area is EXTREMELY difficult. You may have to put aside the writing that you really love in order to obtain this education, and that can set you back as far as time spent on the work of your heart, and can also make you feel like an outsider in your own program.
  • What if you don\\u2019t get in anywhere?

Is DIYMFA the \\u201canti-MFA\\u201d?

I get asked this a lot, especially around this debate. And the answer is emphatically no. As I said before, I have an MFA and I don\\u2019t regret the decision to get one. MFA serves a particular group of writers very well. What DIYMFA exists for is those who don\\u2019t fit into a traditional MFA. Whether it\\u2019s because you can\\u2019t afford to take time off from your job or your life, or because you can\\u2019t get accepted into the program you want to join, DIYMFA exists for you.

So what does it mean to be a DIYMFA Word Nerd?

If you\\u2019re part of this community, It means that you\\u2019re committed not just to becoming a better writer, but to becoming a better learner. Applying the DIYMFA concepts to your writing is awesome, but applying them to your LIFE? That\\u2019s solid gold.

\\u201cIn a time of drastic change, the learners inherit the future.\\u201d Eric Hoffer

The publishing world is RIGHT NOW in a time of drastic change. We are in the thick of it. Every creative niche is. This age of sharing ideas and the internet has turned all creative industries on their head. Learning how to learn better means we can adapt, we can roll with the punches and embrace new ideas more quickly.

So how dothe principles of DIYMFA help you learn?

Write with focus.

This isn\'t\\u2019 just about putting words on the page. This is about creative output. This principle encourages you to create a body of work. Try different skills, master them. Take a project from beginning to end whether it\\u2019s a short story or a photo series.

Read with purpose.

Be strategic about the information you consume. Balance your reading list to focus on what you\\u2019re interested in and also what, in your field, has stood the test of time. Dig in and think about why the pieces of each work were created the way they were.

Build your community

Connect with others in your niche and exchange ideas. When people exchange ideas, it\\u2019s multiplicative, not additive. When two people each have an idea and they exchange those ideas, then each person will come up with a totally different combination of those ideas. From two ideas you get four. Now imagine how many ideas you\\u2019d get from ten people sharing.

A few caveats about community:

  • Workshops
    I find that workshops, while they are useful in an educational environment, can also be reactive. Instead of giving a writer the chance to get things right before they receive critique, they expect you to get it wrong first. Feedback can be a useful tool, but not before you\\u2019re ready. Build your skills first, practice, and create something stronger than you otherwise would. Then when you get critique you\\u2019ll be ready for it.
  • Creative distraction
    Finding creative friends can be a blessing. Finally people who understand you! But it can also be a curse. You can spend so much time talking about the process that you forget to actually do the creative work in the first place. Don\\u2019t forget, you can\\u2019t exchange creative ideas if you haven\\u2019t spent time developing them first.

Develop your learning superpower

The MFA debate a perennial conversation. But I think we should all put aside our differences of opinion and just write! If an MFA is right for you, if it helps you to be the best writer you can be, then awesome! Go do it! If you can\\u2019t or don\\u2019t want to get into an MFA program, there are worthy alternatives. You can do the same things yourself and do them just as well.

Above all, let\\u2019s focus on learning. That\\u2019s what will make us adaptable as writers, as creators, as human beings.


  • Article in the Atlantic
  • Storytelling Superpower Summit
  • DIYMFA book!
  • Storytelling Superpower quiz

For more info and show notes:\\xa0DIYMFA.com/088

