Digmi Discussions Interview #46 - Dr. Peter Economou

Published: May 18, 2021, 11:33 a.m.


On DIGMI DISCUSSIONS Interview #46, Ray Digmi catches up with Rutgers Univeristy Associate Professor, licensed psychologist, mental performance consultant and author, Dr. Pete Economou.


Dr. Pete, a fellow Seton Hall university alum, takes some time to share his personal journey as former division 1 student athlete, and how the experiences of being an elite performer led to a professional career as a clinical psychologist, mental health counselor and collegiate educator.


Dr. Pete talks about his new book, MINDFULNESS WORKBOOK FOR BEGINNERS, and shares some tips on how best to cultivate greater positivity and gratitude. He also touches on the pros & cons of social media, why he believes that when screen time goes up, mental health goes down, and offers some tips on how to best embrace your emotions, and feel compassion and empathy toward yourself and others.


An awesome discussion with a guy who has committed his life work to mental health and is dedicated to helping others unlock the power of mindfulness.


So without further ado, here is DIGM DISCUSSIONS Interview #46 with Rutgers University Associate Professor and author, Dr. Pete Economou
