11 Jumpgates - Lady Blackbird: Long Winter Part 3

Published: Aug. 17, 2020, 6 a.m.

b'Juniper brings a ghost back to life.\\n\\nThis is part 3 of the "Long Winter" arc.\\n\\nIf you like the show please rate and review us wherever you found us! If you\'d like to follow us for behind the scenes photos and updates find us on twitter: @diceologypod\\n\\nIIf you\\u2019d like to play \\u201cSimple World\\u201d you can find it here: buriedwithoutceremony.com/\\n\\nIf you\'d like to play "Firebrands" you can find it here:\\nlumpley.itch.io/firebrands\\n\\nYou can find all of the soundscapes used on the show at: tabletopaudio.com/\\n\\nA little information about our first anthology, "11 Jumpgates":\\n\\nLong ago humans left earth far behind them and spread out across the stars. They built an Empire connected by faster than light jumpgates that let them dominate the galaxy and beyond. But that was then and now they\\u2019re gone and all that remains of that culture is the Runa System. A single solar system made of five habitable planets, 3 terraformed moons, a newly built space-station, an asteroid field and the 10 faster-than-light jumgates that connect them all. The Runa System is a wild place, full of ruins flushed with unexplained mystical phenomena, quiet frontiers, remnants of wars fought long ago, and the beginnings of a new empire. But beyond all that the Runa System is full of stories. Stories of wandering mystics, digital ghosts, cybernetically enhanced criminals for hire, ambitious imperials trying to move up the ranks, daredevil pilots, the heirs to old wealthy families, and those just trying to make their way out on the frontier\\u2026 some things don\\u2019t change: love, curiosity, ambition, and the thrill of adventure just to name a few\\u2026 Welcome to Eleven Jumpgates.'