Latest News with a Splash of Comedy

Published: Aug. 2, 2023, 3 p.m.


Looking for a hilarious and informative way to stay up-to-date on current events? Look no further than our live comedy news show! Our talented team of comedians and journalists bring you the latest news stories with a comedic twist that will have you laughing out loud.

With our unique blend of humor and insight, we offer a fresh take on the day's most pressing issues. From politics to pop culture, we cover it all with a mix of witty commentary and sharp satire.

But our show isn't just about laughs. We take our journalism seriously and strive to deliver accurate and unbiased news reporting. Our team is dedicated to providing you with the information you need to make informed decisions and stay informed about the world around you.

So tune in to our live comedy news show for an entertaining and informative experience like no other. Don't miss out on the fun - subscribe now and join our growing community of viewers!

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Migrants in Chicago Migrants in NYC

Dwarf actor criticizes 'Wonka' for casting Hugh Grant as Oompa-Loompa
An actor born with dwarfism is blasting the coming live-action W*lly Wonka film for taking jobs away from dwarfs.

When People Hear \\u2018Bidenomics,\\u2019 They Think Higher Inflation And Tax Increases


RFK Jr.'s request for Secret Service protection has been denied

Ilhan Oman blasted as a racist for 'disgusting' remarks about white men: 'She should be removed from Congress'

Rep. Dan Goldman says Hunter Biden frequently put Joe on speakerphone with his business partners, but they only talked about the weather.

Kamala Harris claims \\u201cclimate anxiety\\u201d is plaguing America\\u2019s youth:

"They're \\u2026 concerned about whether they should have children, whether they should even try to buy a home, because what does the future hold?"

Pete Davidson is back on the road doing what he does best ... making people laugh, something his fans are clearly anxious to see, considering he's got back-to-back sold-out shows.

Angus Cloud 911 call reveals 'Euphoria' star's 'possible overdose'
Angus Cloud's mother reported a "possible overdose" after finding her 25-year-old son unresponsive on Monday morning, according to TMZ.

Billboard that says \\u201cStop Zelensky, Stop War\\u201d in Japan

British weather forecaster Piers Corbyn pays with cash at a cashless supermarket

House Oversight Members Confirm President Biden Was Present During Son\\u2019s Foreign Business Phone Calls

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