True-Story JOURNEY: HIGH success...with Dr. Tuan Pham

Published: Aug. 18, 2015, 4:30 p.m.


Success in Dentistry is easy\\u2026when you know what to do.

Today you\\u2019re going to hear HOW Dr. Tuan Pham has reaches SUPERIOR SUCCESS with an AVERAGE SKILL set.

Listen to his journey\\u2026
from Associate\\u2026
\\u2026to being FIRED and confused\\u2026
\\u2026to a STARTUP instead of acquisition\\u2026
\\u2026to HIGH SUCCESS that many only dream of.

He did all this in less than a decade.

Make no misunderstanding, he\\u2019s worked his tail off.
And he\\u2019s been incredibly smart in his pursuit.

And today he\\u2019ll teach you why it\\u2019s not that hard for you to do the same.

Today you\\u2019ll learn:
- How he was FIRED
- What the problem is with NERDY DENTISTS
- Why he chose a STARTUP instead of an ACQUISITION
- Why $1.2 million over his 4 day work week is just the beginning
- His PROVEN GUIDE to create success in YOUR PRACTICE
- What kind of marketing he\\u2019s seen successful in PPO, Medicaid and FFS practices

1. Get his customized VIDEO TRAINING just for the Ideal Practices Audience:

2. Learn about the Startup Practice Blueprint before the doors close for 2015!

