Working and studying in the UK

Published: July 16, 2018, midnight

This week we will be looking at ‘Working and studying in the UK. In the chair we have Dr Amy Monaghan from the Alzheimer’s Research Drug Discovery Unit at University College London. Amy is joined by Dr Deborah Oliviera from the University of Nottingham, Hanna Isotalus from University of Bristol and Raysa El Zein from Bournemouth University. All our panellists have made the leap to leave their home countries (Brazil, Lebanon and Finland) to live, study and work in the UK. Making a massive contribution to research here in the UK. Working abroad and travelling can be exciting, if a little scary. It's a big decision, but one which can be exciting and rewarding. But what is a really like? What should I think about? What challenges might you face? These hurdles may be the different infrastructures that provide grants and funding through to overcoming cultural issues a complex set of language barriers. Our panel today are all early career researchers from around the world. In this podcast we discuss their stories and what advice they might have for others thinking of following in the same path (not just to study in the UK but other countries too).