The ARUK DEMON Network

Published: Feb. 17, 2020, 7 a.m.

Today's topic is the new Alzheimer's Research UK DEMON Network (don't worry you don't have to be an evil spirit or tormentor to join), DEMON being an acronym for Deep Dementia Phenotyping (DEMON) Network. Led by the University of Exeter and supported by Alzheimer's Research UK, the Alan Turing Institute and Dementias Platform UK. It aims to unite experts from a wide range of fields to find new solutions to research in dementia. In this podcast, first time host Piers Kotting is with Professor David Llewellyn from the University of Exeter and Dr Carol Routledge, Director of Research from Alzheimer’s Research UK. To discuss what the they hope to achieve through the network and how Early Career Researchers from across all fields and countries, and not only in dementia, can become involved. To join the ARUK DEMON Network visit - You can find out more about our panellists, and their work on our website A transcript of this podcast is also available here Like what you hear? Please review, like, and share our podcast - and don't forget to subscribe to ensure you never miss an episode. We encourage all of our listeners to visit our website, it doesn’t matter if you are in the UK or elsewhere in the world as there is something there for everyone. We add new content every day, from blogs discussing peoples research and their careers, a full dementia and research events planner, details of all upcoming funding opportunities + lots more. Register today, and you’ll receive a short weekly news round-up email each Friday, to ensure you don't miss a thing. Finally, we are now hosting a bi-weekly WhatsApp discussion (the week after each new podcast is released) which includes the panellists from this podcast. To talk to the panellists. ask questions and to chat about the 'DEMON Network' with the rest of our community join our WhatsApp group using this link: _________________________ If you would like to share your own experiences or discuss your research in a blog or on a podcast, drop us a line to or find us on twitter @dem_researcher This podcast is brought to you in association with Alzheimer's Research UK and Alzheimer's Society, who we thank for their ongoing support.