AAIC 2018 - Day Four

Published: July 26, 2018, midnight

This is our fourth and final podcasts recorded on location at the Alzheimer Association International Conference (AAIC) in Chicago. Each day we have been bringing you news and information from our panellists who are all presenting and attending the world largest dementia conference. Adam Smith the Dementia Researcher website Programme Lead for the NIHR is again hosting and today is joined by Katy Stubbs from Alzheimer’s Research UK, Nicholas Firth from University College London and James Quinn from THE University of Manchester. The panel discuss their work, and today’s highlights, including the news from Biogen and Eisai over the exciting trial results of #BAN2401, how the Gut, sleep and environmental pollutants could be important in #dementia – and James talks about Tau. We hope you enjoyed these podcast, from #AAIC18 – our next podcast will be out on Monday 6th August, when we will resume our usual fortnightly schedule. Please subscribe to our feed and share with your colleagues and friends using #ECRDementia.