Battling physician burnout, one rap at a time

Published: Oct. 13, 2018, 2:10 p.m.

How many doctors have more than a million Facebook followers, their own YouTube channel, and a stage name? Zubin Damania, also known as ZDogg, MD, has carved out a unique niche – and a booming social media franchise – by skewering the dysfunction and absurdity at the core of what he calls "Health 2.0."

For this episode of "Decoding Healthcare," athenahealth's CMO Kevin Ban, M.D., and podcast host Jessica Sweeney-Platt enjoy a wide-ranging conversation with Zubin about his twisty path from hospitalist to healthcare entrepreneur to the “constructive disruptor" he is today.

We dig into the roots of and remedies for provider burnout, the failed promise of the data-hungry, soul-crushing EHR, and the role of collegiality and connection in restoring joy to medicine.

We even get Zubin to freestyle some of the findings from athenahealth's recent survey on organizational capability. Who can't get down to that beat?

You can listen to more episodes of “Decoding Healthcare" on your favorite podcast app, including Apple's podcast app, Stitcher, and Google Play. Browse all our episodes here.

Have an idea for an ideal podcast guest, topic, or health organization we should spotlight on the show? We're all ears. Email us!

Decoding Healthcare is a production of athenahealth. For more stories and big ideas about healthcare in America today, go to And follow us on Twitter @athenahealth and @KevinBanMD. Thanks for listening!