DEAD AIR - Show #703

Published: Feb. 29, 2024, 4:14 a.m.

b'How Sweet It Is (To Be Loved by You) (JGB 1987-08-29) French\'s Camp on the Eel River - Piercy, CA\\nGet Out Of My Life Woman\\nRun For The Roses (JGB 1989-06-10) French\'s Camp on the Eel River - Piercy, CA\\nThe Way You Do the Things You Do\\nAnd It Stoned Me (JGB 1991-08-10) French\'s Camp on the Eel River - Piercy, CA\\nPlaying In The Band\\nUncle John\'s Band (Wake The Dead, "Buckdancer\'s Choice")\\nDark Star >\\nAnd Your Bird Can Sing\\nBrokedown Palace (Wake The Dead, "Deal")\\nSee What Love Can Do\\nTangled Up in Blue (JGB 1989-06-10) French\'s Camp on the Eel River - Piercy, CA'