Tucson Comic Con 2017 Write YOUR Best Selling RPG panel

Published: Nov. 7, 2017, 2:50 p.m.

b"We were treated to a great and informative panel on writing you RPG by Brandish Gilhelm, and we all know each GM out there honestly has an RPG or three they would love to publish!\\nBrandish Gilhelm is a Dungeonmaster, artist and writer from the Seattle area. A lifelong teller of fantasy epics, in the last two years he has gained a following of like-minded heroes-to-be via 'Drunkens & Dragons' on YouTube, and through books and game products like 'The Daring and the Doomed,' 'Index Card RPG,' and other tabletop products at Runehammergames.com\\n\\xa0\\nHis Amazon Author link\\xa0http://amzn.to/2yC7iUH\\nhttps://www.goodreads.com/author/show/15044998.Brandish_Gilhelm"